Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission
1-E-mail To:
2-Online: Follow the instructions at the journal homepage website.
Original Research Articles, Communications and Technical Notes are subject to critical review by two competent referees. Authors are encouraged to suggest names of competent reviewers. Feature Articles and Review Articles on active and rapidly changing chemistry research fields will also be published.
Organization of the Manuscript
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with 2.54 cm margins, using Microsoft Word 2010 or a later version thereof. The sections should be arranged in the following order: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Abbreviations (if any), References, Tables, a list of Figure Captions, and Figures. Only the first letters of words in the Title, Headings and Subheadings are capitalized. Headings and Subheadings should be in bold fonts.
Title Page: Includes the title of the article, authors’ names with full first names and middle initials, and affiliations. The affiliation should comprise the department, institution (university or company), city and country. The name and complete mailing address and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence should also be included for office purposes. The title should be carefully, concisely and clearly constructed to highlight the emphasis and content of the manuscript, which is very important for information retrieval.
Abstract: A one paragraph abstract not exceeding 200 words is required, which should be arranged to highlight the purpose, methods used, results and major findings, with the results comprising no less than 50% of the abstract.
Keywords: A list of 4-6 keywords, which express the precise content of the manuscript for indexing purposes, should follow the abstract.
Introduction: should present the purpose of the study to be reported and the relationship to earlier work in the field, but it should not be an extensive review of the literature (e.g., should not exceed 1 ½ typed pages).
Materials and Methods: should be sufficiently informative to allow competent reproduction of the experimental procedures presented, yet concise enough not to be repetitive of earlier published procedures. Note that all unusual hazards in the chemicals, equipment or procedures used in the study must be clearly identified.
Results: should present results in Tables and Figures plus some complimentary data in the Text without extensive discussion of results.
Discussion: should be concise and focusing on the interpretation of the results without repetition of the same results.
Conclusion: should be a brief account of the major findings of the study not exceeding one typed page at the most.
Nomenclature: Registered trade names should be capitalized whenever they are used, while trade or trivial names should not be capitalized. The chemical name or composition should be given in parentheses at the first occurrence of that name. Nomenclature should be systematic conforming to those used by the Chemical Abstracts Service and recommended by IUPAC ( and IUBMB (
Abbreviations: Abbreviations are to be used sparingly, otherwise provide a notation section indicating all nonstandard abbreviations on a separate page prior to the references section. The SI units should be used for all measurements, as well as their decimal fractions or multiples. Define all symbols used in equations and formulas. Include a list of all symbols in the notation section when extensively used.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments, including those for grant and financial support, should be typed in one paragraph directly preceding the References section.
References: References should be typed double-spaced and numbered sequentially in the order in which they are cited in the text. References should be cited in the text by the appropriate Arabic numerals, which are superscripted while enclosed in square brackets. Titles of journals are abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. The style and punctuation should conform to the following examples:
1- Journal Article:
The required information for a journal is author(s), abbreviated journal title, year of publication, volume number, and complete pagination of cited article. Journal abbreviation and volume are italicized. Year of publication is bolded.
Deno, N.; Richey, H.; Liu, J. S.; Lincoln, D. N.; Turner, J., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87, 4533-4538.
Wang, Y.; Wang, F.; Li, J.; Huang, Z.; Liang, S.; Zhou, J., Energies, 2017, 10, 510 (15 pages).
2- Books and Book Chapters
The required information for a book is author(s) or editor(s), book title, publisher, city of publication, and year of publication. Using the word “In” signifies the primary author(s) wrote only part of the book, not the entire book.
Anastas, P. T.; Warner, J. C., Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice; Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.
Asmus, K. D., Recent Aspects of Thiyl and Perthiyl Free Radical Chemistry, In Active Oxygens, Lipid Peroxides, and Antioxidants; Yagi, K., Ed.; Japan Scientific Societies, Tokyo; CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1993, pp 57-67.
- Technical Report:
Schneider, A. B., Technical Report No. 1234-56, 1985; ABC Company, New York.
- Patent:
Stern, M. K.; Cheng, B. K. M. (Monsanto Co., USA), Process for Preparing N-(p-nitroaryl)amides via Reaction of Nitrobenzene with Nitriles, US Patent 5,380,946, January 10, 1995.
- Thesis:
Enander, R. T., Lead Particulate and Methylene Chloride Risks in Automotive Refinishing, Ph.D. Thesis, Tufts University, Medford, MA, 2001.
- Conference or Symposium Proceedings:
Huber, O.; Szejtli, J., Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Cyclodextrins, Munchen, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1988.
Hard copy (paper) MSDS
Titanium Dioxide; MSDS No. T3627; Mallinckrodt Baker: Phillipsburg, NJ, November 12, 2003.
MSDS obtained from an Internet search
Titanium Dioxide; MSDS No. T3627 [Online]; Mallinckrodt Baker: Phillipsburg, NJ, November 12, 2003. (accessed 4/15/08).
MSDS obtained from a database source such as CCOHS
Titanium Dioxide; MSDS No. T3627 [Online]; Mallinckrodt Baker: Phillipsburg, NJ, November 12, 2003. Available from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (accessed 4/15/14).
The minimum required information for a website is the site title, URL and date accessed. Include the author's name if one is listed. Add “Home Page” to website titles as needed.
ACS Publications Division Home Page. (accessed Nov 7, 2010).
Freudenrich, C., How Lead Works, (accessed May 29, 2014).
- Prepublication Online Articles (Already accepted for publication):
Should include Author names (if any), Title of Digital Database, Database Website, URL and (date of access).
Tables: Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and referred to by number in the text (e.g., Table 1). Each table should be typed on a separate page with the legend above the Table, while explanatory footnotes, which are indicated by superscript lowercase letters, should be typed below the Table.
Illustrations: Figures, drawings, diagrams, charts and photographs are to be numbered in a consecutive series of Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. Computer-generated illustrations and good-quality digital photographic prints are accepted. They should be originals (not photocopies) provided on separate pages and identified with their corresponding numbers. Actual size graphics should be provided, which need no further manipulation, with lettering (Times New Roman) not smaller than 4.5 points, lines no thinner than 0.5 points, and each of uniform density. If graphics are to be submitted digitally, they should conform to the following minimum resolution requirements: 1200 dpi for black and white line art, 600 dpi for grayscale art, and 300 dpi for color art. All graphic files must be saved as TIFF images, and all illustrations must be submitted in the actual size at which they should appear in the journal.
Text Footnotes: The use of text footnotes is to be avoided. When their use is necessary, they should be typed at the bottom of the page to which they refer and should be cited in the text by a superscript asterisk or multiples thereof. Place a line above the footnote, so that it is set off from the text.
Supplementary Material: Authors are encouraged to provide all supplementary materials that may facilitate the review process, including any detailed mathematical derivations that may not appear in whole in the manuscript, crystallographic information files (CIFs), and cited preprints. As to CIF files, the author must deposit the corresponding CIFs with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC). The E-mail address of CCDC is: ( The deposited material is indicated in the manuscript by a footnote as follows:
Supplementary Data: Crystallographic data for the structural analysis reported in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, CCDC, Number (...). Copies of the information may be obtained free of charge from Director, CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, UK (Fax: +44-1223-336033; e-mail;, home page: http//
Theoretical Calculations: Reporting the results of electronic structure calculations should follow the guidelines in J. E. Boggs (Pure and Appl. Chem. 1998, 70(4), 1015-1018). Reporting force field parameters and other energy surface data should follow the guidelines in D. J. Raber and W. C. Guida (Pure and Appl. Chem. 1998, 70(10), 2047-2049). Both sets of guidelines are available online at the IUPAC Website ( ).
X-Ray Data: X-ray data presented in the text and/or tables should provide information on the empirical formula, unit cell dimensions (a, b, c in pm or Å; a, b, g in degrees) with corresponding standard error estimates, number of formula units in the unit cell, density (measured or calculated), crystal system, space group symbol, diffractometer type, radiation, and monochromator used, temperature, data collection mode, the q-range and reciprocal lattice segments, number of reflections measured, number of symmetry-independent reflections, cut-off criterion, linear absorption coefficient, absorption correction method, method of solution and refinement, positional and atomic displacement parameters, final R and Rw. A table of selected bond distances and bond angles may also be included.
Revised Manuscript
Following the acceptance of a manuscript for publication and the incorporation of all required revisions, authors should submit an original electronic manuscript typed double-spaced on Microsoft Word. Original Figures should be submitted with the final, revised manuscript. All graphic files must be sent as TIFF images, and all illustrations must be submitted in the actual size at which they should appear in the journal.
Submission is an admission by the authors that the manuscript has neither been previously published nor is being considered for publication elsewhere. A statement transferring copyright from the authors to Yarmouk University is required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. Reproduction of any part of the contents of a published work is forbidden without written permission by the Editor-in-Chief.
Publication Charges
No processing /publicaton charges are demanded by JJC.
Articles, communication, or editorials published by JJC represent the sole opinions of the authors. The publisher shoulders no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information published by JJC.